Mole Removal Using Advanced Cosmetic Procedures
Mole Removal Using Advanced Cosmetic Procedures
Advanced cosmetic procedures is a new adaptation of an existing well established and safety proven treatment, namely electrolysis. This method can remove blemishes such as skin tags, moles or even warts by using an electrical current which passes down a probe and into the skin where it effectively cauterises the blemish (enabling it to be removed without surgery).
Removing moles can be a bit of a touchy and scary topic, as we must be super careful in identifying the good from the occasionaly not so good ones in order to remove them safely. Moles are very common and can appear in all shapes and sizes. In many cases, they cause little or no problem, but for some people they can have a huge effect on self-confidence – especially if the mole is on the face, or other parts of the body where they are easily seen.
What are Moles and What Causes Them?
Moles are similar to skin tags but darker and flatter and they spread quite quickly. They are highly contagious, not from person to person, but because they are on the face, you may be prone to feel and touch your face and spread them.
Moles are caused when the skin’s special cells that produce melanin, the substance that gives skin its pigmentation or color, grow in clusters. These clusters cause a high concentration of melanin to build up in a localized spot. When this happens, a mole will begin to develop and the intensity of color will depend on how much melanin is present. So if a mole is a source of embarrassment or discomfort for you, we can remove it with electrolysis by treating the overgrown tissue and shrinking it down. But, remember, because moles can be cancerous, we will only remove your mole with a doctors note stating that the mole is not harmful.
We do not actually remove the mole with electrolysis, but more reduce the appearance of the mole. With the first treatment, we can reduce the size of the mole while a second treatment gets it down to skin level, flat to the skin. One thing to remember is that we can’t guarantee that the color of the area will exactly match the rest of the skin. But, since the mole has been reduced, the area will be much lighter than it was.
Most sessions last about 15-20 minutes and there is little or no risk of scarring. Sometimes 2 or 3 treatments may be needed, especially for larger moles.
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Everything You Need To Know About IPL
Everything You Need To Know About IPL
What is IPL?
IPL stands for intense pulsed light, and it is a form of light therapy, used for various dermatological procedures including hair removal.
To achieve long lasting hair removal, it is necessary to destroy the hair follicle from which individual hairs grow. Controlled pulses of light penetrate the epidermis and are absorbed by melanin in the hair contained in the follicle.
IPL has multiple wavelengths (all between 500 and 1,200 nanometres) that scatter within the skin. As with all light based treatments, IPL works by emitting a wavelength into the skin, which in the case of hair removal targets pigment. The light is absorbed by the pigment in the hair, which quickly turns to heat and then kills the growing cells that make the hair follicle.
Intense pulsed light treatments are only effective when targeting hair that is in the anagen phase (also known as the active growth stage). Because of this, treatments usually need to be spaced out every four to six weeks, with an average of six treatments for best results. Also, it is important to note that IPL devices do not guarantee permanent hair removal, instead it is focused on hair reduction because there is a possibility that some hair may grow back at some point (this can be quickly solved with top up treatments).
IPL is constantly advancing with the latest equipment offering treatments for various skin tones, including dark tones. The 8 different Selective Waveband Technology applicators along with the Nd:YAG are approved for 17 intended uses and offer fast and effective treatments.
The new treatments using the new and improved IPL equipment includes:
Vascular lesions – remove vascular lesions such as telangiectasias, hemangiomas and Port Wine Stains.
Pigmented lesions – remove benign epidermal pigmented lesions quickly and gently.
Photo rejuvenation – remove age spots, diffuse redness and uneven pigmentation on the face and body.
Acne vulgaris – obtain a clearer complexion without the use of antibiotics.
Leg veins using Nd:YAG – clear leg veins and other difficult vascular lesions such as facial telangiectasias, reticular vessels, resistant port wine stains and venous lakes effectively.
Onychomycosis toe nail using Nd:YAG – treat onychomycosis (nail fungus) quickly and effectively, without pain and without the side effects of drugs.
Warts using Nd:YAG – treat resistant warts quickly effectively with an intense beam of infrared light.
*** Don’t forget we currently have our special offer for the month of October focusing on IPL Hair Removal Treatments – Buy one course and receive the second (cheapest) one half price!
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Skincare Tips For Autumn
Skincare Tips For Autumn
As the days grow shorter, the temperatures drop and the air becomes drier, your skin will start to loose moisture. Autumn is a time of transition and a great routine will correct any summer damage that has occurred, whilst also preparing your skin for winter.
Ditch the soap & reassess your cleanser – fragrant soaps can leave your skin dry, so it is best to switch to a soap-free products as well as hydrating cleansers. Try the beautiful Mary Cohr Exquisite Shower Gel for the body and the Mary Cohr Soothing Cleansing Milk for the face.
Exfoliate with a gentle scrub – start the new season off with a full-body exfoliation session. Oil-based scrubs are perfect for autumn and winter because you are getting the exfoliating benefits with the extra bonus of hydrating oils. The Mary Cohr Easy Exfoliating Body Scrub is one of our absolute must have products for autumn.
Moisturise every single day – if you want to keep dry skin at bay, you must hydrate your skin on a daily basis. Best time to apply your lotion is right after you’ve dried from your shower or bath, as it seals in the moisture that’s already been absorbed into your skin. Use the Mary Cohr NutriZen Body Care to nourishes and soothes skin. Don’t forget to also switch up your face moisturiser and use hydrating options such as the Mary Cohr Hydrosmose Cream.
Protect your lips – start moisturizing now to prevent dry, cracked lips this winter. Use a non-petroleum based lip balm such as the wonderful Mary Cohr Lip Comfort.
Invest in hand cream – preventing your hands from becoming extra dry and cracked during winter is ideal. Start moisturizing your hands now to ensure soft, supple hands. Get your hands on the beautiful Gatineau Vitamina Hand Cream now.
Remember your feet – you need to continue taking care and exfoliating them on a regular basis, so you will have no problem popping back on your sandals when the time comes. Have you used the Zenspa Intense Hydrating Heel Repair Creme yet?
Invest in a cuticle oil – this will quickly take care of the cracked skin and avoid that painful condition. Simply apply oil onto your cuticles and rub in. Do this a couple times a week for best protection. The Jessica Nails Phenomen Oil is the best we’ve tried.
SPF is still important – whether you’re expecting a clear autumn day or a grey one, your skin still needs protection from aging ultraviolet rays in the fall. Choose Hydropeptide Solar Defence for maximum sun protection.
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How to Reverse Skin Sun Damage
Our tips and available treatments can help you repair and possibly even reverse the signs of sun damage. The best way to give your skin a treat after a summer in the sun is of course with a course of our Catiovital facials (which lucky for you is on special offer during September). With an intensive & professional facial treatment like this, we will exfoliate, treat dark spots, hydrate and provide your skin with the best possible products for your needs. There’s also a few tips that you can take advantage of at home to further reduce sun damage…
Exfoliate The Right Way – using a facial scrub on a weekly basis is extremely important in not only smoothing your skin, but also leaving it brighter and more radiant. The active ingredients are vital in removing extra layers of dead cells that are holding brown pigment accumulated over the years.
Hydrate – summer exposure to sun, chlorine, and salt water can dry out your skin. A moisturiser or facial serum with hyaluronic acid can plump up dry skin and instantly reduce appearance of fine lines. Continued use may help stimulate the production of new collagen, a protein that helps give skin its texture and appearance.
Burn No More – to maintain your improvement, use sunscreen every day to prevent additional damage. To maximize the sunscreen’s protection, apply it 30 minutes before exposure and reapply at least every two hours.
Arm Yourself With Antioxidants – vitamin C based antioxidants are best for reducing uneven brown pigmentation.
Ask a Professional – that’s us at The Beauty Clinic Fulham, we are always here to answer any queries you may have and give you the best recommendations for your skin.
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