Through advancing natural hair transplantation method, Hair loss occurs in more than 60% of men and in approximately 10% of women. male and female pattern baldness are conditions that are, with few exceptions, treated electively.
Balding is a major concern for many, and surgery to treat hair loss (hair transplantation) is the most common cosmetic surgery procedure performed on men today.
Hair Transplant
- FIT Method
- FUT Method
- Combined Method
- Facial Transplant - Beard and Mustache
- Eyebrow Transplantation
FIT(Follicular Isolated Technique) In this method, screw hair is cut separately from client’s hair (usually from
behind) by special tools, it was kept in media preparation and next, the transplant is operated in considered area which is usually located in forward and center of head by accurate tools and by FIT method. No effect was remained related to wounds and scare that the advantage and acceptable records of this method have been considered. After a short time the applicant has natural and desirable hair by observing recommendation of clinics.

By hair removal at behind of the head and hair implant in facial area, Beard & Mustache transplantation is
performed at this center. Demands, one’s choice, observing principles and standard have been perfectly considered. Fortunately, this sensitive operation would be done accurately in our clinic by using local anesthesia as soon as possible.

The basic is similar to hair transplant regarding FIT method that actually, more accurate tools have been used. It is
to be noted that, the hair used in transplanting eyebrow can be grown like hairs of head and should be cleaned regularly. The cases such as thinning eyebrows, eyebrow hair loss, or damages related to surgeries & accidents are the main reason of eyebrow transplantation. For possibility and impossibility of your eyebrow transplantation, you can get some information by referring to clinics and specialized consultation through your specialist.

In this method the client’s blood is converted to his/her components in centrifuge system such as platelets. The
enriched platelets are separated and injected in the areas which are willing to grow and strengthen hair. Platelets have conditions to grow and so, strengthening and hair growth is formed. In our clinic we use the best PRP kits and also the proficiency and our physician’s experience show the results.

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